Monday, November 24, 2008

Can You Help Find Bride 2.0?

I have been doing a lot of searching for wedding information, and I just came accross this idea. I am getting involved in anyway I can. This is going to be exciting. So, strap on your seat belt. Come along for the ride!

The search for Bride 2.0 has begun. Can Web 2.0 and social networking stimulate a struggling economy, make 3 brides social media super stars and prove that by simply asking for help the internet and wedding related communities will step up and lend a helping hand? Check out this cool video to learn more about this concept:

This concept is the brainchild of wedding planner Ciara Daykin. Visit her website at to sign up for her free report “10 Individuals Who Changed The World With One Idea” (and it’s not the regular crowd you might think of at first).

Have you supported us in a unique and viral way? We’d love to know about it so that we can recognize you on our blog and hopefully drive business back to your site as well. Please tell us how you’ve supported

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Photo Art



Photo Art has been getting more popular with portrait work. Here is a before, and after of a couple of different shots. These look really good printed on canvas. It gives the image a art look to it.

Do you like this type of look?

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Where's Frank?

Where's Frank? That has been the question for the last year.

I am a member of a local photography club, The Photo Martini Club, where we get a assignment every other month. The club also publishes a magazine called "Shot Magazine". This is a great avenue to have your work published.

This coming month the assignment is "Numbers" to celebrate the five year anniversary of the club.

The club has been doing a section on "Where's Frank" as in Frank Sinatra. I was lucky enough to be able to shoot the last "Where's Frank" segment. It was a lot of fun.

Mark, and Sara were so much fun to work with. We all had a lot of fun.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Wedding Photography

Wedding be or not to be?

Photographers say things like, "I have to do weddings to survive!" or "I really don't like doing wedding, but I have to!". When I first stated in photography (1984). I worked for a studio that made shooting wedding so stressful. The lead photographer was such a stress head. He made it harder then it needed to be. But, back then I didn't know any better. I thought this is the way it was. I myself said back in those days, "when I get out on my own I am not doing weddings".

Many things have changed over the years, and I will give you my story of how I got to this point. But, not today. Stay tuned for the whole story. Today, I just want to give you a little snippet.

Not too long ago a friend of mine asked if I would shoot their wedding. I was first brought back to my days with the stress head. Reluctantly said, yes. Little did I know how much I was going to fall in love with my new path.

I LOVE WEDDINGS! I don't know how else to say it. I decided just to be myself, and have fun. Everyone had so much fun. There were many special moments. I was like a crack addict with my camera (not that I know what crack is like). The emotions that were shared with me to capture was just amazing to me. Seeing people sharing themselves emotionally, and opening their hearts. Yes, I am in love with weddings.

I am so grateful to those that have included me in their special day. Your day is so special to me, and I look forward to giving you the gift that will give for many lifetimes.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Photos from the DNC

Wow, what a week that was. I covered the "Rock the Vote" during the DNC for my photography club (Photo Martini Club ).

As I was shooting the event. A gentleman from "Washington Life" magazine asked if I could cover a event on Tuesday night. It would be 2-3 hours, and he would pay me a few hundred dollars. Of course, I said "Sure".

It was mainly politicians, but there were also a few celebrities. Chevy Chase, Morgan Fairchild, Kick Kennedy, Lisa Edlestien, Lynn Whitfield, and many others.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Rock the Vote Ballot Bash Oppotunity

The Democratic National Convention is in town this comming week. I have been given the opporunity to cover the "Rock the Vote Ballot Bash" at The Ellie Caulkins Oprea House. The event starts at 10 PM and will feature artists like, Fall out Boy, N.E.R.D., Jakob Dylan & OTEP.

I will be covering the Red Carpet, and have 5 minutes in front of front to row of each performance to photograph the artists. It will be a night to remember.

Stay tuned to see photos following the event.